New deals for women’s sports, new awards honours, and more

New deals for women’s sports, new awards honours, and more

With new investment for women’s sports media, global awards recognition for local publishers, and a membership-based training to develop more diverse voices, here are some of the latest innovations from the SAMIP cohort. gsport unveils new commercial deals Women’s...

Daily Maverick goes to the presses

With the official launch of a new print title for one of our participants, a shout-out in the New York Times for another, and new products and milestones besides, there’s been no shortage of excitement in the SAMIP family. Here are a few of the highlights. DM...

August winds bring growth and opportunity for SAMIP

August is Women’s Month in South Africa and the country takes the time to commit to uplifting women in our society. At the South Africa Media Innovation Program (SAMIP) we strive to do our part through our mission in transforming the local media industry by empowering...

SAMIP adds three more projects to its cohort

At the start of this year the South Africa Media Innovation Program (SAMIP) held another meeting of its Advisory Committee to decide on the shortlisted applicants for 2019. After a lengthy session the following projects and organizations were selected to enter our...