by SAMIP | Apr 29, 2021 | News
New investigative journalism, new hires, and coverage of topical news – here’s the latest from the South Africa Media Innovation Program. Counting the cost of rubber bullets Ten years after rubber bullets killed Andries Tatane, investigative start-up Viewfiender... by SAMIP | Apr 12, 2021 | News
From the latest news and podcasts, to job opportunities and award ceremonies, here are the latest updates from the SAMIP cohort Food for Mzansi names top citizen journos Last week agri-news publisher Food For Mzansi hosted an award ceremony for the top performers from... by SAMIP | Sep 28, 2020 | News
With the official launch of a new print title for one of our participants, a shout-out in the New York Times for another, and new products and milestones besides, there’s been no shortage of excitement in the SAMIP family. Here are a few of the highlights. DM... by SAMIP | Jul 10, 2020 | News
As South Africa crossed the 100-day mark since the national lockdown was announced the country is now seeing a surge in confirmed cases with the number of people who’ve been infected reaching more than 230,000. This is serious news and our participants have been... by SAMIP | May 22, 2020 | News
South Africa has now been under lockdown for 60 days with no end in sight. Despite the odds, the South Africa Media Innovation Program’s participants have continued the hard work of reporting the news and creating innovative products. In this week’s episode of...